Tías por Días! (Aunts for Days)

Thursday's plans consisted of lunch at another one of my Mom's Tía's House, Gabriela's.  I had been looking fwd to this lunch all week because we were having frijoles!!!  But first, I had the most special thing happen to me this morning.  Matílde was telling me something at breakfast, and I really had no clue what she was saying until she came up to me and gave me the beautiful necklace!

I was so surprised I was actually speechless.  She is definitely one of my favorites that I have met in Colombia this trip.

Okay, now back to lunch.  We arrived to Gabriela's cute place and off to work she went to make sure lunch was nothing shy of perfecto. Get ready to be jealous.  Valerie, you will be drooling :)


It was wonderful sitting back and watching the sisters and family interact.  I was able to meet Rocio to!  She is the one standing nest to my Mom and then Gabriela and her husband are next to her.

Good thing I was able to fit everyone into a selfie! Matílde was not feeling the selfie what so ever!

After the incredible lunch the day kept on going. Next stop, Lilian's casa.  I unfortunately wasn't feeling very well so i did not snap any photos of her cute casa, but she was absolutely adorable!  Lilian is Matílde's 90 year old sister. I swear, the energy these women pocess is beyond amazing to me.  After Lilian's, we took a Taxi home and that ride put me over the edge. DONE. Off to bed we went ready for our next adventure.

Day 9

We started today off nice and early!  Definitely my kind of day.  Amparo picked us up around 9AM and we drove an hour and a half to a town called Guatapé.  I love how every town has such a different feel to it.  Guatapé was no different.   First stop, lunch!  Check out the fish Amparo got!

I needed a brake for pollo so I opted for salad, fries, rice and egg!

This guy was our lunch time entertainment.  I was not impressed.  He sounded like Kermit the frog and yet we still had to tip him for "trying?"  I didn't understand.  Not everyone can come in first place lol.

Guatapé is such a colorful town with lake views!

And this is a meteor that fell way back in the day (sorry people not sure when exactly).  Apparently one fell here and one fell in Brazil.  There are 700 steps that can be climbed to get to the top of that thing.  A big fat no thank you to doing that haha.

The day flew by yet again, but it was not over! My Mom's Tío Juan and his girlfriend Natalía picked us up and took us to restaurant row for dinner.  I was STARVING!  

I literally could not do another chicken if I wanted to. So pizza it was. And it was AMAZING!

This dinner was such a wonderful way to end the day. Good company and good food! 

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