Island Life

It was an early start to our morning Saturday.  We had to eat and be ready for our ride by 8AM! That's okay, we knew we had a gorgeous beach waiting for us so it made things a little bit easier.  The van that picked us up with a few other people already inside to take us to the port where our little boat was. On our ride there we met a really nice New Jersey couple who ended up being quite funny on our little adventure.

Once on the boat, we had to take a quick selfie before we took off. LOL
 I am not a huge boat person and didn't realize the ride to the Island was going to take 45 minutes. Aye. 
 But once we got going, it really wasn't as bad as I thought. It actually ended up being quite relaxing...Happy faces to prove it...

Someone owned this private island... It was so beautiful

 AND THEN... we finally arrived to La Isla del Rosario

This places was straight out of a movie. Clear blue water and a private beach!  Not to mention we were served cocktails as soon as we stepped foot off the boat.

Definitely not a shabby way to spend the day. None what so ever. We figured why not keep the relaxation going and ended up getting massages over looking the water.

They had the cutest Island Doggies walking around and I couldn't help myself. Although this doggy looks like he had a couple cervesas already, poor guy.

Lunch was TO DIE FOR. I didn't get the fish because of allergy reasons (scary thought to be on an Island hand have an issue with that but it was quite the presentation and looked so yummy!

When it was time to go My Mom and I were one of the first ones on the boat and I thought I picked the best seat in the middle. Let me tell you, I some how managed to pick the one row where the most water hit us.  At one point, I had so much water hitting my face, my Mom looked over at me and must had seen me gasping for air she couldn't help but crack up!  Unfortunately, you can't tell very well in this photo, but it does make me laugh every time I think about my Mom's face when she saw me literally getting slapped by the ocean.

By the time we made our way back to the hotel I had enough sun and sand to last me a little awhile.  My party animal travel partner was ready to hit the streets for dinner and that is what we did before we called it a night!

Look how beautiful My Momacita looked

Couldn't have asked for a better experience at the beach.  

Día 4 

Last day in Cartagena! Which meant last day to have he best breakfast. GRRRRRRRRR

Such a tourist for taking pictures of it :)

I tried to get a picture of just how burnt I was from the beach yesterday...but you can't see very well ;/

We took our time and enjoyed it today.  It was lovely. I have really enjoyed my time in beautiful Cartagena. The day had just begun though, and we were spending the day walking the city and doing what I love most, taking pictures.

This was where we ate the first night

It was so much fun walking around and exploring with my Mom but it was almost too hot for us.  It was 92 degrees but  it felt like 111 and the humidity was at 80% (according to my weather app).  Needless to say, we lasted as long as we possibly could before we made our way back to the hotel for a shower.

Our taxi wasn't set to come get us until 5:30PM and we just wanted lunch with air conditioning so we made our way next door to a Mediterranean Restaurant.  

The presentation at every restaurant remains one of my favorite things about Colombia so far. AND the fresh juice and fruit that they have.

Eating out is a special treat. NO ONE goes out under dressed and you are treated like royalty.

5:30 came faster than I thought it would and it was time for us to say goodbye to Casa La Cartujita.

Randy was my favorite concierge. He found me french fries when I thought I was going to DIE from hunger. Goodbye Randy!

And just like that we were on our way to the airport.  
I was able to snap a quick photo of the moto taxi on our way out of town...

Medellín here we come!

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