City Life= Medellín

Okay.  SO, we landed in Medellín on Sunday evening and I ran into the first thing I am not a fan of, DRIVING.  Goodness gracious I thought I was going to die. Pure torture and no I am not being dramatic :)  Okay, maybe a little bit (un poquito), but still!  The airport is located on top of a mountain, and my grandparents house is a 45 minute WINDING drive down that mountain.  Pretty much a 45 minute never ending roll-a-coaster ride, in which anyone who knows me, knows I am not the biggest fan of roll-a-coaster rides. Especially ones that turn at a rapid pace. Holy Moly!  My Mom forget to leave this bit of information out on our trip... Or did she?  You be the judge with her response of  "oopsie."

Needless to say, we made it in one piece and thankfully we spent all of Monday relaxing.  This is the beautiful view from my grandparents 10th floor condo.  It is so lush and green here!

Abuela went right to work at making me feel comfortable and made me a delicious snack. I sure do love this woman!
And Molly is the sweetest little thing straight out of the movie  Lady and the Tramp

Come Tuesday, I felt like a new woman and ready to hit the town and see what Medellín was all about.  My Mom's Tía, Amparo, picked us up and I secretly prayed for my stomach to make it through yet another car ride.  The end result was well worth the dizziness though.

Pueblito Paisa

What a beautiful place this was.  There was an area where we climbed up a set of stairs and we were surrounded by the beautiful city.

When I didn't think this place could get any better, we had lunch had the cutest little restaurant at Pueblito Paisa

Finally a photo of My Abuela and I where I don't look like I am not going to pass out haha

The day ended in good ol' Colombian fashion.  Colombia played Paraguay!  The game started at 9:30PM and I have never gotten such a kick out of my Mom, Abuela and my Mom's Great Aunt (who is 98 years old) screaming at the television! The entire game they were like this and it was wonderful.

 Matílde is absolutely hysterical. From what I can understand :) Full of life this woman is! I absolutely love it.

Día 6

I cannot believe I have been in Colombia for 6 days already!  It has been a blast so far and yet every day brings something entirely new for me to take in and enjoy.

This morning began with a walk to town.  I was craving a coffee and mí Abuela wanted to show me some of the cute restaurants and shops.  One way Colombia is very different from the United States is the time every one gets going.  People don't go out for dinner until 7 or 8 at night which means their nights last long and they don't start moving the next day until late in the morning/early afternoon.

 Olga and Olga. Two generations. Two people I adore.

On our way into town I saw some of the best street art! I have such a love for this kind of stuff

And then we finally made it to the cute store Olga y Olga like.

Faces of 3 very happy women can only mean one thing

Shopping was a succes!

They had the cutest clothes but the tiniest dressing rooms haha.  I kept dropping the hanger every time I bent over to try something else on! Another thing I have noticed about Colombia.  They give gifts to you if you buy a certain amount of items. How amazing is that?!  Today was a scarf... and yesterday was a keychain.  I get so darn excited every time they hand me a present.

After shopping we rushed our buns back up the hill to meet Amparo for another day of fun! Before we left I was finally able to get a picture WITH Matílde next to a painting she did in 1941!

Please excuse the fact that I look like a complete giant haha. She made me bend down! It was so funny!

Our next stop...lunch before heading to see my Mom's Uncle Jaime.

This is my Mom's favorite drink on this trip! I think it's like a Corona.

We made it to El Retiro and to Jaime's Casa! What a treat this was.  Jaime was in the middle of a guitar lesson and I was fortunate enough to enjoy the music

His house WAS TO DIE FOR.  I tried to snap some pictures of the house with some of the art he had inside. There were so many patios it felt like the house was a tree house!

Spending the afternoon with my Abuela and her brother and sister was truly amazing.  I feel so honored to meet my extended family and experience what I have heard so much about.

Until mañana...

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