I'm Here Colombia!!

Yesterday was such a special day. I finally did something I have wanted to do and never thought I would ever do.  I took my first trip to Colombia :)

Chad brought me the best surprise before I left. He definitely knows the way to my heart.

My Mom and I planned this trip in March and it honestly came a lot quicker than I even thought it would. I wasn't sure what to expect or how to prepare myself for a trip outside the country (I've only done this one other time and that was to England (14yrs ago). The flight was easy. AZ>Miami>Cartagena. The flight from FL to Colombia was only 2 hrs! I met my Mamacita in Miami and it was REALLY Colombia Official then. 

We had such a nice lunch catching up and talking about Colombia. To see that smile on her face was worth the trip within itself.

People watching in the terminal was at its finest. And if the beautiful people waiting were any indication of how beautiful the people were in Colombia I was honestly shocked. Like walked off of page 42 in a VOGUE magazine shocked.  Best part by far were the stewardesses. Watching these women walk up together in their classy outfits was to die for. I couldn't get a group picture but I was able to get one after the flight.


First thing I've noticed is just how nice and how happy everyone is here. Everyone has a smile on their faces and wants to talk to you. It's quite amazing how personable every one has been so far. We met our driver at the airport

I got excited when I saw her name and made my Mom pose haha

 and he took us to our insanely cute boutique hotel called Casa La Cartujita. This place is to die for. And the smell??? Imagine the most divine spa. It's so peaceful with the most beautiful flowers everywhere! We have the room with a balcony over looking the streets.

 I had a Princess moment and waived to no one lol.

Mom made dinner reservations at ALMA ... Aka (Soul).  Such a cool restaurant. I couldn't have asked for a better atmosphere. Great food, wine and live music with My Mom! Fantastic.

Día Numero Dos

As you can probably imagine we slept like rocks. Getting up was a tad bit rough but we were both very excited to get on with the day because today we had a tour guide to drive us around Cartagena!!!

But first, breakfast of champions. 

How beautiful is that??? The hospitality here is to die for. They even put napkins on your laps for you. I love it!

Camilo picked the Pachangas up after breakfast and we were on our way!

Meet Camilo

He took us all around Cartagena.  

  Castillo San Felipe de Barajas

Convento La Popa

Things I find interesting so far. They have moto taxis! People legit hop on motorcycles and are handed helmets and they go. CRAZY.

I asked Camilo to take us to the best coffee place he knows.

"Juan Valdez"


IT WAS MUY BIEN! Good job Camilo. The barista thought I was funny because I was not only very excited for my coffee but because I wanted to take a picture of the person making it.

And then, this happened. A photo with Maria.

Poor Maria. She was actually quite lovely with her flower headband. Before I knew it a man put a damn hat on my head and Maria and I were getting well acquainted. Yes, this photo cost me pesos! hahahaha. My Mom thought it was hysterical I did too until he wanted $$$.   Poor Maria.

Last but not least, we stopped an Emerald Museum  "Caribe."  I wasn't very excited about this stop, but I became more excited when I was able to see how the emeralds were made into jewelry. It was very cool to see.  This photo makes me laugh every time. Not sure if you can see my Mom's face. The tour guide insisted on a photo with the mining mannequin.


This pretty much sums up day 2.  We are currently in comfy clothes in our hotel room watching Colombia vs. USA soccer.  Cannot wait for our day at the beach tomorrow.


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