The Beginning...AGAIN

Today is the day I enter into the world of blogging! ( Insert applause here).  No really, I am quite excited about this. I declared myself  "Not Blog Ready" for the past couple of years due to (enter every excuse possible here). Well, well, well, here I am, entering my thirties and I am finally ready to start tapping into blogging. Woohoo!

That was 2013...

Fast fwd to 2016. 

32...  New Year... With changes and new beginnings.   I am about to embark on a trip of a life time to Colombia with my Momacita.  I couldn't be more excited about this trip.

Ok,  here is quick run down on me. I live in Sunny AZ after spending a memorable 9 years in New York. I have a degree in Photography (hoping this blog will inspire me to take more pictures).  My family is my rock.  I have 3 sisters...all completely different but absolutely amazing at the same time. Then there is my beautiful Mom, also known as my Mamacita and my Step-dad with a heart of gold, Matt.  I live with my dog, Sedona  (I swear the sweet thang is reincarnated). Living in a new part of town and ready to take on whatever life has in store for me. :)

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