Felíz Cumpleaños Abuela!

Today is my last day in Colombia.   It is also a very special day because it is my Abuela's 81st Birthday!  If there was one thing I was looking fwd to this entire trip, it was today's trip to Cisneros.  Cisneros is a small town about 2 hours away from Medellín and this was the town my Abuela was born!  How fitting to go there out of all days! The only down side was that my Abuela came down with the touch of the flu yesterday so she couldn't go with us today :(

I made sure to take my life saver this trip. Dramamine!  I am SO glad I did because this drive was by far the worst one I have experienced and I didn't even thing it could get any worse.

I was wrong.  I took video for Marissa because I knew she would understand what I've been experiencing, but I will post the beautiful photos of the drive instead :)

About 10 minutes before we hit Cisneros, Juan pulled over and showed us where they made the sugar cane.  

Tío Juan wasn't afraid to make new amigos!

There were fields and fields of this sugar every where around Cisneros. It was very cool to see!  We finally made it there and I met another one of my Mom's Tío's and my Abuela's brothers.

This is Luís Gabriel

And this is his dog, Cual.   In English it means "What" haha

Luís made us the best lunch! It was called sancocho. It was almost like a chicken soup with potatoes, yucca, rice, avocado with lime drizzled on top.  By far one of the tastiest meals I have had this trip.

Check out the size of this avocado! This was from his tree in the front!

The best part wasn't even the lunch though.  Luís Gabriel had the most precious family photos hung up everywhere!!! It was like I stepped into a family museum!

 This is my Abuela when she won "Miss Cisneros"

This is our Great Great Grandmother's baptism certificate!

 This is my great great grandfather  Valerio and my great great grandmother Eustacia.  So this is Matílde's and Lilian's Mother and Father.

This is Eustacia again

 This is my Great Grandmother,

 This is Gabriela and Luís (my great grandparents) when they were young! How beautiful and classy are they?!!!

This is one of my favorites! My Abuela is on the right, her friend is in the middle, and then our Great Grandfather Luís is on the left.  They are in the middle of town.

Valerío's birth certificate

Great Grandma

Luís Gabriel in his younger years haha

After looking at all the amazing photos and filling our bellies, off to town we went to get a tour and see where every one once lived!

Coffee Beans!

 Okay so this is truly something.  The green house is where my Great Grandmother and Grandfather  lived and their store was below it. My Abuela told me tonight they painted it because it used to be all brick.

This church has been remodeled, BUT there have been numerous family weddings, baptisms etc. here

This is where Great Great Grandmother lived...

First building in Cisneros. 1930.  I also learned that our Great Great Grandmother was only the 3rd family to be in town when Cisnero's was first established

They still ride horses here! I loved that

 Me with my great Tíos

After our tour we visited a "finca"

It was truly breathtaking.  This house, or finca, was located just outside of Cisneros, on a hill overlooking the city.  It was so very peaceful I could see why people want to have houses outside of the city.

That was our final stop before heading back to Medellín. Today was a day I will never forget as long as I live.  I learned so much about my Abuela and our family today and that is something I will forever cherish in my heart.

Momacita showing Abuela pictures from her hometown

The last 10 days was everything I could have ever hoped for and more.  From the relatives I met, to the history I experienced and reliving memories with my mom and grandparents. One question all my relatives asked was "what did I think of Colombia?"  And after the last week and a half, I would compare it to my new favorite person, Matílde, and say Colombia is "Full of Life."  There is so much love and pride for this country.   I felt it with every person I met and every town I drove through.  I am so proud of where I come from and even more so now that I have had the opportunity to see it first hand.  I am beyond thankful to my Abuelo and Abuela for having me and for my Momacita for being the best translator/roommate/travel partner EVER!  The laughs we shared together and the time we were able to spend was something I have always wanted to do, and we did it! :)

From Cartagena to Medellín, I thank you!

Until next time Abuelo y Abuela


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