Did I Find Myself A Prince?

Fairytales aren't supposed to exist for adults... Or are they?

I have been asking myself that exact question since March 30th and as time goes on, I am a believing they actually do.  I entered into the "special" world of online dating in February and unlike many, I actually enjoy the process. Not only do I get a huge kick out of some of the things that were said to me, as well as the photos/profiles, but I found the entire process extremely interesting as I learn a great deal about what I like in a man all while learning things about myself I never quite paid attention too.

 I got on 3 sites. E- Harmony was the first one with my Mom being my "Momager." It was absolutely hysterical to hear her thoughts on the online process. We had some pretty good laughs over FaceTime while  she would "clean up" my inbox and decide who made the first cut. The only thing that came out of this site was a first date with a man who was very intoxicated and wanted to know if I was into him every two seconds. FAIL. But, I will take the laughs with my Momacita any day.

The next oh so fabulous dating site  I joined was Bumble. I joined this bad boy because one of my girls was on it and she explained that although both genders have to swipe Right if interested or Left if they want to pass.  The women have to be the first to communicate if both swipe right and that was enough to make me want to see what all the hype was about.  This site quickly became entertaining for me more for competitive/game reasons. Probably not the best approach to take but I had some fantastic laughs and some nice dates but that was it.

Last but not least, I joined OK Cupid. I was hesitant to join this site because the reputation wasn't as positive as some of the others sites but at this point I felt like I had advanced to "Varsity" with dating and honestly what did I have to lose? Okay, there were still some funny ones..

It turned out, I had the most luck with this site and met some really nice men that I had nice dates with, but not enough to grab my attention until... Chad.

Why hello there Chad.

His first question had to do with me playing soccer.  Interested in me ✔️ Haha then I followed up with none other than " Do I know you from somewhere? I feel like I do."  In which I clearly had never seen this man before in my life and he reassured that by saying he was from Utah buuuuuuuuut I thought it was fun to entertain the idea for a second haha.

Next, Utah obviously meant Mormon. Not that I have a problem with that, but I was looking for a partner who liked to share things with me and I was not willing to sacrifice that what so ever. Drinking coffee/alcohol and saying curse words every now and again has to happen. So I proceeded to ask Chad 3 very important questions. Obviously.

1) Do you have a deep voice?
2) Do you have baby hands?
3) Do you say Fuck?

Now, what happened next is what got my attention. Chad sent me a voice text with something along the lines of " This is what my voice sounds like. And yes I say Fuck. I repeat Fuck."

That was enough to crack me up AND want to meet this funny guy for a drink and that is exactly what we did the following Wednesday. We met at a little hole in the wall place where there were maybe a total of 4 people there including the bartender:) My strategy with all the online dates was to get there 5 minutes late to access the person I'm meeting as I'm walking up to them. FAIL. I got there first and Chad had the opportunity of doing that same thing to me! First impression....Chad had the most kindest eyes I had seen in a long time✔️.  Not to mention he was also just as funny in person.  I don't know what it is about this man, but he has such an laid back calming persona it was one of the best first dates I had been on. Hence why I left there wanting a second one.

Fast fwd 2 months and he is officially my boyfriend and every day gets better and better. I have gone on some of the best dates AND there hasn't been a time yet where he hasn't opened my car door for me. Such a gentleman this one!

He took Sedona and I to the lake on a Sunday to get away for an afternoon

His patience, kind words and heart is beyond refreshing. He has managed to turn my disbelief in a lot of things having to do with love/men and relationships into a positive light once again. Something I did not think would be possible to do.  And as crazy as this sounds,  I think I found someone who is just as honest as far as speaking what's on their mind, MAYBE  even more than me! It's truly fantastic.  I am so very happy right now. I can't explain how at ease I feel with where I am at in life and I am very thankful from the bottom of my heart to have met a man like Chad.

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