Mr. and Mrs (Part I)

They did it! Holy moly, Valerie and Carl are officially married! Man oh man and I am still recovering.

My Abuela came to AZ (from Colombia) so that she could fly with me to Washington for the wedding.  I felt so blessed that she was finally able to meet  Sedona.  If Sedona could talk I am certain she felt the same way. Boy did she love her Great Abuela...

We left on a Thursday afternoon so that we could get to Roche Harbor with plenty of time.  I say this because the journey consisted of a 3 hour flight to Seattle... a 2 hr drive to the coast... 1 hour ferry ride to the Island and then a 20 min drive to the resort.  But it was well worth it! Not only was I reunited with the bride-to-be,  our view from our hotel room was breathtaking!

The largest tulips I had ever seen!

Shortly after settling in, I was able to meet up with the rest of my family. It is the absolutely best when we are all together.  They complete me (haha)

It was such a good night catching up with my family.  The following day was the rehearsal.  I could not believe it was time already. Here are a few of my favorite pictures

    Dinner took place right off the harbor.  It was a bit chilly but the view was incredible as well as the food and company.

A seal joined us for dinner too :)

It was truly a special evening prepping for Valerie and Carl's special day.  I loved seeing and feeling all the love that everyone had for them. 

This concludes Part 1 of my post.  Can't wait to show you what their wedding day was all about!!! 

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