Mr. and Mrs Haas (Part II)

Okay I am back! Unfortunately I have to be at work this Saturday morning... buuuuuut it allows for me to finish Part II of Valerie and Carl's wedding!

Valerie was one of the most "relaxed" brides on her actual wedding day that I have ever been around.  Not that I would expect anything else from her.  We started getting ready around 9am the day of the wedding at the house my Mom and Matt rented for the festivities. I was thouroughly impressed with how in sink all the hair and make-up artists were. 9AM on the dot 3 hair people and 2 make up artists were at the door ready to go. Valerie and I sat outside waiting for our turn and while doing so I was lucky enough to capture Valerie's reaction seeing her bouquet for the very first time.
Wasn't her bouquet absolutely stunning? It took my breath away that's for sure. UNTIL I saw Valerie just about done with her hair. 
Cassidy mentioned that she looked like a brunette Marilyn Monroe and she sure did :)
I was able to get this photo quickly before things got a little crazy with putting Valerie's dress on and trying not to fall out of mine hahaha.
 And THEN... The dress was on!!! Ahhhhhh it was just as beautiful as I remembered. Yes ladies, it is totally okay if you are drooling over this beaded tea length wedding dress!

 I wish I had photos during the ceremony but I don't have any to show yet. Valerie's friend took this one of all of us waiting to walk down the aisle of the church
My goal was to not cry.  I failed horribly.  As soon as My Mom and Valerie walked down the aisle; Snot every where, tears falling kind of lost it.  I am sure it will look just lovely in photographs (haha).  Thankfully I know everyone's attention was on the jaw dropping bride and soon after we had
MR. & MRS. HAAS!!!
The reception turned out to be everything my sister had hoped for (and more if you ask me). 
 Obviously the dessert bar was my favorite part. SO creative and so delicious.

My two grandmas loved the chair area they created next to the dance floor
Cocktail hour started the party off. Auntie Vera, Uncle Rob and Auntie June had the right idea. Rest the feet as much as possible before the dancing started
And then it really got cracking with DJ Gumbo from New Orleans haha. Here are some of my  favorites...

I love my sisters so very much

Every time I look at this picture my heart melts...
And then you have some that I can't stop laughing at

 Sweaty and Tired...

We danced the ENTIRE night. I even hurt my hip from dancing so hard (no joke people). Apparently I can't "drop it like it's hot" without stretching anymore. Like all things, the beautiful day had to come to an end and if it didn't I am pretty sure I would have had to be carried back to my hotel room. Cheers to the newlyweds and to a loving and Happy future together!

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