Happy Daddio(s) Day

Father's Day is today OR what I like to call "Daddio Day."  When I was young and I would call my Dad "Daddio."  No idea why (haha), but it always made my Dad laugh when I would say it and Valerie and I would then laugh too.

I never knew I would one day be blessed with Two Dads.  It is interesting when I think about My Dad's and how lucky I am to have both as part of my life.  Both of which love(d) and care for me immensely which at the end of the day that is all I could ever ask for.

Dad #1

I have so many memories of my Dad. Some that date back to when I was a toddler. Scary I know.  My older sister says I have a crazy good memory and she is right.  I don't know how I remember events that happen so long ago but I do.

My Dad had this super old white car and Valerie and I would love running errands with him because that car had a bucket seat in the front and we could ALL sit in front together. Then to top it off, my Dad had this cassette player with a tape that he NEVER switched out.  It had the 80's song "Sweet Dreams" on it and I would push it in and all three of us would sing as loud as we could the entire song. Some times we would designate parts and laugh the entire song, but never the less we would sing out hearts out. When the song would end, I would press rewind and we would do it all over again.  Some times my Dad would say "Are you sure you don't want to listen to the radio?" haha.  Needless to say, when I hear that song on the radio in my car today, I blast it as loud as I can and sing my heart out.  I always feel as if it is my little sign from my Dad in heaven letting me know he is with me.  You would be surprised how often I hear it it play too. :)

I am thankful I had the opportunity to experience and take on some of the many talents my Dad had.  His cooking rocked! I am almost positive I have my sweet tooth because of him (thanks Daddio), but really, his home made birthday cakes growing up WERE TO DIE FOR.  My love for movies is because of him too.  Our weekend outings would consist of a movie and a lot of critiquing after it.  I miss being able to do that with him but treasure the times we did.

Dad #2

I have equally as many memories with my Matt! For starters, I would never have been the soccer player I was if it wasn't for Matt.  To this day, I am certain Matt is one of the very few TOP female coaches that we have here in the United States.  His ability to relate and listen to females on a daily basis (NOT easy) and to be patient all at the same time is what makes Matt not only and extraordinary soccer coach but an extremely special person and Dad in my life.  The older I get, the more our relationship grows even closer and I am truly thankful for that.

One of my favorite memories I have with Matt is when I had the wonderful opportunity to visit HIS home; England.  I always knew Matt was a legend but to be able to experience that first hand with him was truly special.  He took me to my first ever England soccer match! It was honestly one of the coolest things I have ever witnessed. There were so many people wanting to see Matt while we were there it made me realize how grateful I am to have him in my life all the time. Living in different states makes it hard at times, but the times he is able to come to AZ on recruiting trips he makes sure to see me even if its only for a cup of coffee and that does more than I am sure he realizes.

I am thankful for things Matt continues to teach me.  His kind heart and patience is something I will always admire and look up too.  He always finds a way to see the good in situations and people and I find that to be an incredible quality to have.

Happy Father's Day Daddio(s)! 
Hoping your day is as special and dear as you both are to me and my heart.

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