Mission: Surprise Attack

I love making surprises happen for other people and secretly I love receiving them too (but don't tell any one shhhhhhh ;)

This past weekend I surprised my Mamacita for her 51st Birthday (sorry Mom had to say your age because you look so damn good). I had a couple days of vaca left to use so I booked a ticket a couple months ago to good ol' Oklahoma to see this
Beautiful Birthday Girl.

My Mom by no means is an easy woman to surprise. Might as well call her Mrs. Sherlock Holmes because she will almost ALWAYS figure out what her daughters or husband are up to if not careful.  Good thing I am the BEST. SURPRISE. GIVER. EVER (Uh-huh this me tooting my own horn here).  Anyways, about a month ago my Mamacita did the usual by stirring the pot without even realizing it.  Marissa, my older sister, text me an ALERT TEXT that my Mom all of a sudden wanted to plan a trip to California on her birthday.  Really Mom? Grrrrrrrr. So I snapped into action and tried to defuse the situation quickly and quietly but that by no means is an easy task when dealing this woman. I tried to tell her that my Step-Dad had something special planned... Did not phase her.  I tried to tell her that she would be missing two home soccer games that weekend....Nope. Didn't matter either.  Trust me, when My Mamacita has her heart set on something My Mamacita is going to make it happen. Mmmmmmm, I wonder where I got that trait from haha.  Good thing Matt talked her into staying!  Phew, that was a minor heart attack.

 Then... 1991 to be exact


This Summer. 2013

Thursday rolled around and all was in place for Mission: Surprise Attack yet go figure my Mamacita and I were in a text fight and she was now at the point of ignoring my calls AND text messages. Good job Andrea.  All I needed/wanted was for my Mom to pick up ONE of my calls that day so that she didn't call me when my phone was turned off on the airplane. Did she though? Nope. Stubborn Woman (I got that from her too). My sisters and I were texting all day and they were talking to my Mom telling her to stop being mad at me that it was almost her birthday.  Too Funny. Love my Sisters aka my Mission: Surprise Attack back up squad.

I got in late Thursday night and my wonderful Step-Dad Matt picked me up at the airport.  He told my Mamacita and little sister Cassidy that he had forgotten something at the office. Everything was set in place for the big surprise.  We pulled into the house around 11:00PM and good thing they were up watching TV.  Matt walked into the house first and I followed saying "The party is here!!!" hahahaha. If I could have captured a photo of their faces. Not only did their mouths drop open but their heads cocked to one side (like Sedona does when I ask her what she is trying to say) and they blinked extremely hard for a good minute before I said " Hello, the party is here!!!" That is when Cassidy jumped up and gave me a Huge hug followed by the Birthday Girl saying " Hey I am supposed to be mad at you!"  Got to love my Mom.  Everything worked out perfectly and I was so very happy it did.

We had a lovely weekend filled with Yoga, Laughs, Dancing and of course soccer. 

I was also very happy to be able to spend some quality time with Cassidy too. I CANNOT believe how grown up she is!


This Past Weekend!

She makes me laugh and believe it or not teaches me some very important things.  I now know that Sunday is also known as "Selfie Sunday."  This was our sister selfie...It only took us 8 tries because we were laughing so hard!

All in all the weekend was a complete success. Another surprise I can add to the books. Happy Happy Birthday my Beautiful Mamacita.  I look fwd to another 50 years of laughs, dancing, quarrels and ????...
We never know what to expect when we spend time together and I love it.  I love you Mom.

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