Best Friends for Life

Last weekend I was fortunate enough to take a quick trip to Houston, Texas to see one of my Best Friends in the whole world Tara, her husband Barry and her adorable munchkie face Sawyer.

 I have known Tara for 23 years! So crazy... Our story goes a little something like this...

Tara was the "new girl" in my first grade class. I can still remember the day as if it were yesterday (scary I know). Mrs Whaley walked Tara up to the front of the classroom on her first day (she started the year a little late) and said  "Class this is Tara. She will be joining us the remainder of the year."  Then she turned to Tara and asked her if she wanted to share with the class anything about herself haha. Tara rocked a fabulous Tie Die T-shirt that day and I knew I had to be friends with this girl haha. No really, I am pretty sure I walked up to her after her introduction and said " Hi Tara, I'm Andrea.  I like your shirt. Do you want to be my friend?" Hahahaha. Tara moved away a year after but we kept in touch ever since!

 Halloween circa 1992

 We kept in touch mostly by hand written letters to one another AND THEN (get ready for this one) apparently I felt inclined to "step my friend game up" and I started recording my letters on cassette tapes using my "Home Alone cassette recorder."  I am laughing so hard as I type this right now. What a wierdo I was.
Tara is truly a beautiful person inside and out and I cherish our friendship dearly. She is one of the rare people that can calm me down just by simply talking to her and I love that about her!   She is one of those people whom you want to be in their presence at all times because she is an all around good person :)  Did I mention she is the athletic department's Dietitian at the University of Houston!!!  I could not be more proud. One of my all time favorite memories with Tara is when we decided to go on a spring break trip together to South Padre Island my senior year of college. We jammed out the entire ride to "Miss New Booty" because they were going to perform at one of the clubs when we were down there. Haha, funny part is, we were both over the trip on the 2nd day and all we wanted to do was get back home so we could throw sweats on and sleep! Definitely a Andrea/Tara thing to do.

In addition, I literally could not adore her family any more than what I do. They too, are the most down to earth amazing people that always welcome me with open arms every time I visit.  I loved seeing them this past weekend too!!!

Although it was a quick trip, I could not have asked for a better weekend with my Best Friend and I am already looking forward to the next time I get to see Tara!

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