Symbol for the Soul

In Arizona, it is rare to have the opportunity to be in the presence of a Butterfly during the summer time.  Lucky for me, I came across a vibrant red and yellow Butterfly on my walk this morning with these 2 silly girls..

   It caught me off guard to see (I am going to call this Butterfly a "her" haha) land on a purple flower right in front of me before she continued on her way flying ever so delicately into the distance. Some religions consider Butterflies a Symbol for the Soul or spirits of loved ones... and I absolutely believe it.

I know speaking from my own experience with my dog Sedona, and what my life was like before she joined me compared to my life with her in it, I can relate with animals and nature on an entirely different level than I even knew was possible. Coming across this beautiful Butterfly this morning, it was no different. To me, a Butterfly not only represents Peace and Freedom, but I also see Butterflies as a symbol of transformation. A Butterfly endures extreme changes during its life time, not only with their environment, but with their bodies and how they unquestionably have to except it all.   This breath taking creature is so very fragile and small, yet the changes that happen in their lives are quite significant.  Hmmmm interesting.

I have woken up this past week and noticeably have felt FREE just like that lovely creature I saw this morning.  The relief my heart and soul feels can easily be explained by the things I saw today.

Most of you reading this, know my early morning walks with the monsters is one of my favorite things to do. Why might you ask? This is why...

And this...

Always extremely Peaceful and Invigorating.

  I learned a lot from my Butterfly encounter this morning; especially the symbolism associated to the current state of my soul; healing yet Free.  My advice to you,  make peace with the responsibility to accept the changes that come in life, and grow from transitional periods as gracefully as a Butterfly.

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