Here Comes The Bride

Two weekends ago I was lucky enough to fulfill one of my  “Maid of Honor duties” and go to Seattle to help my little sister Valerie find her wedding dress.  Ahhhhhh! I can't believe one of my bestest friends in the whole wide world is marrying the man of her dreams :)  My mom joined in on the busy weekend adventure and as soon as we arrived Thursday evening the planning, ideas and fun began. Friday morning was the big day!  We were up bright and early and the first stop was breakfast! 

Probably not the most ideal way to start the dress trying on process for most brides to be BUT for my petite sis it was the perfect way to go and I enjoyed watching her eat all of that! Haha, For real she did.

 Our next stop...a super cute wedding boutique not to far from where Valerie went to school for her masters program.

 She got the name of this place from some of her friends who were recently married.  Word was they were not the most polite people. So, as Valerie's protective older sister (that never seems to go away) I had to put my "Game Face On" (it was a little dusty but I found it) in case they tried to pull anything with her.  Without giving away to many details, she found the one! Literally, it was the very last dress she tried on. And let me tell you people, in all my years of reading about and my absolute love for fashion, I have never come across the dress she bought and it is TO DIE FOR. No really, I am not kidding. The best part about the dress is that everything about it screams Valerie and I cannot wait until I can share pictures after the big day.  

My mom and I made it through the entire dress fitting without crying (very proud of us Mom) and we were off to celebrate the lovely purchase. Neither my mom or I could stop smiling at how absolutely beautiful Valerie looked in her wedding gown. She is going to make the most beautiful bride ever.

(Then and Now pics haha)

The rest of the weekend was just as busy as we spent all day Saturday visiting their beautiful wedding venue Roche Harbor. 

I am so lucky to be a part of Carl and Valerie's special day.  Carl makes my sister so happy and to see how much he truly loves Valerie for all that she is...well, that is all I could ever ask.

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