Whirlwind Weeks

Goodness, what a busy couple of weeks.  The whirlwind started with a weekend trip to Oklahoma to see the familia.  I scheduled the trip around watching my little sister play 
(I couldn't have been more proud of how she played...)

I lucked out and was able to watch my step dad's team play too.  The weather was just a tad bit colder than what I was experiencing in AZ but there was no other person I'd rather be snuggled with than with my Mamacita

Although the time spent with everyone was extremely short I had an absolute blast.  I was even able to see my little sister dressed up in her cute Halloween costume.  I was trying to remember the last time I was able to spend Halloween with her and I am pretty sure that was when I was a Senior in high school... SO LONG AGO.  So that alone was a blast!

I made my way back to AZ and got the house ready for my older sister, brother-in-law and niece to come into town.  I had been counting down for their arrival for a couple months so you could imagine my excitement when they finally got there.

Sorry Josh...we some how missed our photo session :) Saturday I was on sitter/Tia duty while Marissa and Josh made their way to the ASU/Notre Dame football game. First up... a trip to the park.

Emersen is going to make the best big sister next year.  She took valuable time away from swinging to help Sedona stay hydrated

Just to make sure you see how much Sedona is enjoying the water I am going to zoom in for you all

After the park we had a picnic in the living room and watched The Little Mermaid! One of my all time favorite movies.  Emerson also brought the water paints out and I forgot just how fun it was to use water paints lol.

We ended the weekend at one of my favorite parks in Arizona.. The Railroad Park. It has the cutest set up for little kids...AND big kids :).  They even have a train ride that takes people around the park. I can't tell who was having more fun, can you?

My sister's best friend and her kids met us at the park too.   It was so sweet watching the kiddos interact with one another. So innocent and sweet...

 Watching their goodbyes made my heart sad but good thing they are only a close plane ride away from one another.

I too was very sad when it was time for them to leave for the airport.  I would give anything to have my family all together in one city again but for now this is the way it has to be unfortunately.  I've started my countdown until I get to see them again for Christmas!

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