Another Month Bites the Dust

Goodness. People aren't kidding when they say the older you get time flies by more rapidly.  November started off with my lover faces birthday. She turned 6 this year and we spent the day together...

A quick birthday pic before coffee and a bagel

Sedona's Birthday ended with snuggling and a movie.

I shot a gun for the very first time in my life...

To be honest with you, I am still not sure if I liked it or not. Buuuuuuut I can check it off my bucket list.

Then  literally with a blink of an eye the end of the month came and it was Thanksgiving! I made my way back to Northern California to spend the holiday festivities with this beautiful woman (my Mamacita)...

Cassidy was able to come this time too!!  Emersen LOVES her aunt Cassidy...And on this particular morning we could not stop laughing trying to fit our HUGE heads (Emersen's tiny head) into "a selfie."

My brother in law Josh worked so hard on our Thanksgiving meal. Marissa is one lucky lady to have such a dedicated and hardworking husband!

(Please excuse my plate with the 2 bread rolls. Patience is a big problem for me haha)

Apparently, I have been doing Thanksgiving all wrong.Emersen made sure to show me the proper way to feast!


She also provided the after dinner entertainment.

 Everything turned out lovely and I was so thankful to spend the holiday with family (although we missed  Valerie and Matt very much). 

On Friday we all rolled ourselves out of bed and did exactly what 99% of the population most likely did...We went for a walk!  It was actually one of my favorite memories of the trip because we stopped at the park so that Emersen could play on the playground.  My Mom took this picture of Marissa and I and we could not stop laughing at how HUGE I looked in the pictures.  
People I am 5'6 and Marissa is 5'3. 

Moral of the story: Bring Marissa every where I go so that I look as tall as a super model!

Now, Saturday was a very "special" day. By special, we all had the wonderful opportunity of participating in Emersen's "Music Class."  I will let the photos do the talking for me.

Do I need to say more?  I didn't think so.

And of course I could not pass up the opportunity to go wine tasting.  Marissa and Josh are so lucky to have wineries literally around the corner from where they live.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! 

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