Fiesta en Mexico!

Apparently, 2016 is the year of visiting new places, and why not add Mexico to that list!

 I have been fortunate enough to meet some really great people where I live... April is one of them.  We met at the pool one day, and right off the bat I knew I was going to like this woman.  She has spunk... and when I find a person who carries that trait, I know we will be life long friends.  After a couple of time of getting to know one another a bit more, we realized our birthdays were a day apart!  Obviously that was followed by some serious girly excited shreeks.  Oh how this person was making so much more sense to me now :)

Fast fwd to July 4th weekend ...Chad  along with April and 2 other friends (Lindsay and Ryan) were on our way to Mexico! April and her parents were kind enough to open their home to us for the weekend and it did not disappoint!  As a matter of fact the entire weekend was so special to me for so many reasons.  It was my first trip with Chad, (which I was super excited about) AND I was able to spend time with new friends!  I can't even explain how lovely April's parents were, along with their beach front vacation home, SO, I am not going to explain much.. Just show you pictures from one of the BEST Fourth of July weekends I have ever had.

What an unbelievable time in Mexico with such wonderful people.  I was telling Chad last night how interesting life works when it comes to friends.  I believe certain people/friends are put into your life at the right time. I am not sure what life has in store for me next, but the beautiful souls you see in the photo above, they have brought so much laughter and good memories to my life this year and I wouldn't change it for anything.