Live, LOVE and Learn

Life works in mysterious ways.  When life decides to throw a "curve ball" there is always a valuable yet intriguing lesson to learn. I am not going to sugar coat it. When this happens, it's a bitch.  All you can really do is sit back, fasten that seat belt and get ready for the ride.
And that is exactly what I did.

What I thought was going to be one of the best years of my life, some how flipped to be the worst and then some how has managed to flip once again in the best way possible. I will have to get to that in another post though.

I am going to start off by saying my family and friends are truly one of a kind.  I know, I know. Everyone feels that way about their own peeps in their lives, but it honestly has blown my mind when I look back at how many people stepped up to help me in one way or another.  From my boss and co-workers offering their homes for me to stay in, to watching Sedona, to helping me move. My Mom, Stepdad and Sisters who would sometimes just sit on the other end of the phone with me in silence because that was all I needed at that time, to my Best Friend  flying to AZ to help me move/make my 32nd Birthday the best it could be...

             Please excuse the massive bags under my eyes haha. Tara looks beautiful as always!

My Step-Dad was so incredibly amazing.  While in AZ for Cassidy's soccer tournament he helped me hang everything in my apartment AND paint a wall in under 2 hours!!!


While my Momacita helped me organize and get settled and do what Moms do best...
Love, Cry and Laugh with me.

Having Potterbuns to watch play soccer and eat Mexican food with was the absolute 
BEST Valentines Day gift!

AND THEN... my other two Sistas planned trips to see me. I cannot remember the last time I was able to spend quality one on one time my older and younger sister.

So, Thank You.  Thank you from the very bottom of my heart. I don't think I will ever be able to truly thank you all for everything that you have done for me.  The amount of unconditional love and support that you gave me made me feel I wasn't alone during a time I could have easily felt that way. I am beyond blessed to have family and friends like you in my life...

Today and Always. 

Te Quiero Mucho.