Sometimes We Don't Get A Choice...

I started thinking about life on my run the other day. I know, such a complex topic, but that is where my mind wandered and I went with it.  

Do you ever feel LIFE is similar to those books where you get to choose what ending you want?  I use to love those books. There was something so intriguing to me to have the power to decide things for the character in the story, yet the outcome ended up ultimately being the same no matter what the reader chose.

We all are faced with choices in life. Some easy, while others not so much.  But at the end of the day, the choices we make, play into a larger predestined picture. A picture I am thankful for so far.

November 14th.

36 years ago my older sister Marissa Cristina graced this world.  She would be my Mamacita's first child and first daughter. Three years later, Marissa became MY first sister. And my very first Best Friend.

Marissa and I probably look the most alike out of all my sisters, yet we are almost opposites when it comes to personality.

As the oldest, responsibilities automatically come with the title, and although Marissa was not given the choice of being the oldest sister of 4, she could not have been a better person for the task at hand.  I am pretty sure someone pretty darn special up there already knew this though :)

Goodness, from her beauty, to her athleticism to her brains. You name it, I wanted to be a carbon copy.

We were in our first band together. AKA Christmas Concert for the family haha. 

And we always rocked our SUPER CUTE holiday outfits together
Don't be jealous

We raised our first dog Freckles together. That year, on Christmas Eve night, when we were taking part in our annual "Spy on the presents" in the middle of the night event, I thought Santa brought us a Pig.  She reassured me it wasn't a pig.

Summer time was my absolute favorite. I was able to spend all day with Marissa swimming and playing games! Balloon Volleyball, Hand Baseball, and my absolute favorite... Super Market Sweep

 Lets see, in Middle School I ran for Nation Honor Society President because Marissa was President.
Look at this babe!
and therefore I had to be President, yet when I won I am pretty sure I said "shit."  

In High School, Marissa was a track star so guess who HAD to try out for track? Yup me. Except I absolutely hated running for fun haha.  I showed up for the first practice, and I felt so cool standing next to my senior sister, and they gave the workout for the day. It was something crazy like six 400's, six 200's and ten 100 meters. I turned to her asking her if they were for real. haha. The best thing that came out of me doing track for my first and last year, was that I was able to run the relay with her. It was honestly the best.

 From the time I was in grade school all the way until Freshman Year of High School, no matter who asked, a boy, a teacher, a coach..."Are you Marissa's little sister?" Without skipping a beat I would say "Yes I am" with the biggest smile.  How lucky was I to be her sister?!  The luckiest.

We are now in our 30's and we only grow closer with time. We usually get out conversations in when we are both driving home from work and we have no distractions. I cherish these times so very much.  We laugh about our silly reality shows we watch, or give each other advice on what may be going on in our lives at the moment. And even in our 30's, she continues to amaze me.. As a person, a sister, a wife and a Mom, and I am beyond proud of the person she is.

I didn't get to choose my older sister and very first best friend, but I could not be happier with the choice that was made for me,  

I love you Marissa, Happy 36th Birthday,

Sometimes We Don't Get A Choice...

I started thinking about life on my run the other day. I know, such a complex topic, but that is where my mind wandered and I went with it.  

Do you ever feel LIFE is similar to those books where you get to choose what ending you want?  I use to love those books. There was something so intriguing to me to have the power to decide things for the character in the story, yet the outcome ended up ultimately being the same no matter what the reader chose.

We all are faced with choices in life. Some easy, while others not so much.  But at the end of the day, the choices we make, play into a larger predestined picture. A picture I am thankful for so far.

November 14th.

36 years ago my older sister Marissa Cristina graced this world.  She would be my Mamacita's first child and first daughter. Three years later, Marissa became MY first sister. And my very first Best Friend.

Marissa and I probably look the most alike out of all my sisters, yet we are almost opposites when it comes to personality.

As the oldest, responsibilities automatically come with the title, and although Marissa was not given the choice of being the oldest sister of 4, she could not have been a better person for the task at hand.  I am pretty sure someone pretty darn special up there already knew this though :)

Goodness, from her beauty, to her athleticism to her brains. You name it, I wanted to be a carbon copy.

We were in our first band together. AKA Christmas Concert for the family haha. 

And we always rocked our SUPER CUTE holiday outfits together
(Sense the sarcasm)

We raised our first dog Freckles together. That year, on Christmas Eve night, when we were taking part in our annual "Spy on the presents" in the middle of the night event, I thought Santa brought us a Pig.  She reassured me it wasn't a pig.

Summer time was my absolute favorite. I was able to spend all day with Marissa swimming and playing games! Balloon Volleyball, Hand Baseball, and my absolute favorite... Super Market Sweep

 Lets see, in Middle School I ran for Nation Honor Society President because Marissa was President.
Look at this babe!
and therefore I had to be President, yet when I won I am pretty sure I said "shit."  

In High School, Marissa was a track star so guess who HAD to try out for track? Yup me. Except I absolutely hated running for fun haha.  I showed up for the first practice, and I felt so cool standing next to my senior sister, and they gave the workout for the day. It was something crazy like six 400's, six 200's and ten 100 meters. I turned to her asking her if they were for real. haha. The best thing that came out of me doing track for my first and last year, was that I was able to run the relay with her. It was honestly the best.

 From the time I was in grade school all the way until Freshman Year of High School, no matter who asked, a boy, a teacher, a coach..."Are you Marissa's little sister?" Without skipping a beat I would say "Yes I am" with the biggest smile.  How lucky was I to be her sister?!  The luckiest.

We are now in our 30's and we only grow closer with time. We usually get out conversations in when we are both driving home from work and we have no distractions. I cherish these times so very much.  We laugh about our silly reality shows we watch, or give each other advice on what may be going on in our lives at the moment. And even in our 30's, she continues to amaze me.. As a person, a sister, a wife and a Mom, and I am beyond proud of the person she is.

I didn't get to choose my older sister and very first best friend, but I could not be happier with the choice that was made for me,  

I love you Marissa, Happy 36th Birthday,

Summer Summer Sista Time

Summer has ended, or so the calendar says.  Temperatures in Arizona are still in the 90's but it looks to be the last week of that.  I hope.  

As I sit here (pretending I am in New York looking at all the beautiful Fall leaves on the trees), I can't help but smile. I had a really nice summer full of  wonderful memories.

In August, I was fortunate enough to make a quick trip to see my niece, nephew, sister and brother in law in Boise.  I was even more fortunate that my sweet boyfriend met me there AND met Marissa for the first time (insert big eyes emoji here haha).  He gave Colton the coolest gift.. a bat he made!

 I always feel one of the best things about visiting Marissa and Josh is that no matter where they live, their home always feels so welcoming and relaxing.

This view of their backyard might help a little with that feeling

I spent Friday with my favorite little man Colton.  He made me laugh and kept me on my toes... He actually kept me on my toes SO much that nap time was very necessary and beneficial for  us both :)

Saturday was dedicated to things that start with "F" apparently. 
FUN----FAMILY and Fishing?  With that said, we needed worms.  EW and Gross.  
So after breakfast we had to go get some and here I was thinking Petsmart.  No, no, no. Silly Andrea.  Why would we stop at Petsmart when we could stop by a gas station for worms. Wait for it, Wait for it...

 Worms that come from a vending machine.

This was a first for me.  And yes, THIS IS FOR REAL.  No photoshop here.
Emersen thought it was soooooo funny how grossed out her Tia got.
Worms are not my thing. Like not at all.

 Fishing Buddies 

 The cutest fisherMAN I know

My Older Sista! 

Saturday night Josh and Marissa had a BBQ and it really was a lovely time and so very nice of them to do that for us.  I didn't take any pictures but one of Marissa's friends took this one of us.

I love this  

Sunday came before we knew it. :(  I wasn't ready to say by to these 2 faces ( AND the other 2 faces that were running around outside when I took this picture).

Until next time Boise.

Next Stop... Redondo Beach, California to see Valerie and Carl.   Labor Day in AZ is miserable. If I can find a way to escape the heat for the holiday weekend I try and do so to keep my sanity for the remaining part of summer. This year Valerie and Carl moved from Seattle to Redondo, and I couldn't be happier we are only a drive away from one another now. I have never had my family this close to me before and it is WONDERFUL.

We packed Chad's truck up and off we went.

This was the first time Sedonas "ESA" aka Emotional Support Animal license came in handy.  Poor Dug had to stay home because Valerie's apartment didn't allow dogs.

Beach Life tugs at my heart every time I go.  It makes me smile and so did seeing this face.

Valerie and Carl's apartment and neighborhood were super cute. Saturday night was "Going Out" night.  I knew I was going to have to keep up with these little Party Animals and it wasn't going to be an easy task for me. haha. 

Carl are you attempting a duck face?

Chad without a hat!

We had fun alright.  And then I decided I wanted to show my Mom how I felt like a GIANT next to Valerie.  But I was laughing so hard it took a couple of tries.

Try #1

 Try # 2

Try #3--Carl finally had to take one for us

We sat outside a bar for 10 minutes drinking coffee (haha) and then we got bored and left.
Sunday was BEACH DAY woowoo!

The morning started with taking Sedona to the Beach.  This is only her second time going and I will let the video do the talking :)

The afternoon was Beach time for the adults.

 I should have taken a picture of Chad and Carl frolicking in the ocean but I was in my relaxation zone. And it was oh so lovely.  Later on that evening we had this..

 Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah. Carl slow cooked pork on a special grill thingy mcbob all day, and it was absolutely amazing.

And just like that, our trip to LA came to an end.  It was so much fun and such a nice way to end the Summer.