I'm Back People!


Okay, I have to apologize for being MIA for the last couple months.  I swear,  every time time I reached for my computer something came up. BOO to that.

So many wonderful things have happened though! My best friend got engaged (I'm so excited for her I can't stand it)!!! AND because her special day is in May I get to see her so very soon. I got this sweet surprise in the mail from her one day... LOVE LOVE LOVE

THEN...one of my close friends moved back to AZ and I was able to meet little Henry. :)
I have known both girls for quite some time but the girl on the right...Goodness I've known her FOREVER.  We grew up on the same block as kids, went to Elementary, Middle and High School together, and have remained friends ever since. We actually were total and complete dorks and stopped by our old houses since we were in the neighborhood that day

 See if you can find Sarah and I as 7-years olds haha

January came and went crazy fast.  I am now official 31. Zzzzzzzzzz and really didn't give two shits about my birthday this year.  I know boring and so not like me but really, how can I top of my 30th Birthday?  So I didn't try... But I did spend thhe weekend in  Sedona and that was all I needed.  

Before I knew it February came and My Mom, Matt and Cassidy came for a tournament Cassidy's team played in.  How cool is that?!  I can remember playing in the same soccer tournament back in the day and to see how much it's grown makes me smile.

Long story short...I had the BEST 5 days with my family.  I can't remember the last time I was able to spend so much time with them in AZ. 

 Sedona loved her some Mamita time too!
 AND Cassidy's team won the entire tournament! I was so proud of her!!!
 Other than that,  I have been very busy coaching these little munchkins.  We have one or two more tournaments left and then the season will wrap up.  

It has been a very busy start to the year but a very good one thus far.  I can't wait to share with you all my adventure I am about to partake in  You are going to die :)