I'm Back People!


Okay, I have to apologize for being MIA for the last couple months.  I swear,  every time time I reached for my computer something came up. BOO to that.

So many wonderful things have happened though! My best friend got engaged (I'm so excited for her I can't stand it)!!! AND because her special day is in May I get to see her so very soon. I got this sweet surprise in the mail from her one day... LOVE LOVE LOVE

THEN...one of my close friends moved back to AZ and I was able to meet little Henry. :)
I have known both girls for quite some time but the girl on the right...Goodness I've known her FOREVER.  We grew up on the same block as kids, went to Elementary, Middle and High School together, and have remained friends ever since. We actually were total and complete dorks and stopped by our old houses since we were in the neighborhood that day

 See if you can find Sarah and I as 7-years olds haha

January came and went crazy fast.  I am now official 31. Zzzzzzzzzz and really didn't give two shits about my birthday this year.  I know boring and so not like me but really, how can I top of my 30th Birthday?  So I didn't try... But I did spend thhe weekend in  Sedona and that was all I needed.  

Before I knew it February came and My Mom, Matt and Cassidy came for a tournament Cassidy's team played in.  How cool is that?!  I can remember playing in the same soccer tournament back in the day and to see how much it's grown makes me smile.

Long story short...I had the BEST 5 days with my family.  I can't remember the last time I was able to spend so much time with them in AZ. 

 Sedona loved her some Mamita time too!
 AND Cassidy's team won the entire tournament! I was so proud of her!!!
 Other than that,  I have been very busy coaching these little munchkins.  We have one or two more tournaments left and then the season will wrap up.  

It has been a very busy start to the year but a very good one thus far.  I can't wait to share with you all my adventure I am about to partake in  You are going to die :)

I Made It!


Happy New Year People. I survived another crazy fun filled holiday AND year and I'm enjoying the very first day of 2015.

As I sit here with my cup of coffee and try and reflect on 2014 it amazes me at how quick the year flew by.  I did succeed with blogging for a full year and I guess that within itself is impressive.  I also picked up coaching soccer on the side again.  I coach 6-8 year old girls and they are a riot.  It is definitely a lot of work with my full time job but I will say being around the girls twice a week is refreshing and makes me laugh.  A LOT.  AND I chopped my hair.  It was getting so icky and long I threw in the towel and chopped it and let me tell you IT FEELS GOOOOOOOOOOD.

Sedona turned 7 in November.  Knock on wood she has had a healthy couple of months and is completely off of her medicine :)

This year I was very low key for the holidays. I was planning on heading to good old Oklahoma for Christmas but the Madre and fam decided to head to England last minute (JEALOUS). Sooooo off to my older sister's and Brother-in-laws house went :)!

It worked out perfectly.  Valerie and Carl were already going and I can't remember the last time I spent Christmas with my sisters together (minus Miss Cassidy). Actually, it's funny.  The last time I spent Christmas with Marissa and Josh, Marissa was pregnant with Emersen... and this time she is pregnant with a Boy!!!! AHHHH. Finally a boy in our family.  I am excited if you can't tell.

Anyways, all worked out perfectly.  I flew out Christmas Eve morning and arrived in time to head to the kids mass at their church.

Christmas 2014

Carl is in this picture too. I promise. (Hint: Extra pair of legs)

Mass was nice but we were all ready to get back to the house, out of the rain, into our sweats and get our party faces on!

Valerie's Party Face (sorry Valerie...This is what you get when you sneak pictures of yourself w/my phone lol)


Mr. Bear and Doggy photo bombed our photo
The crazy party animals that we were headed to bed around 10 (haha) and prepared ourselves for the next day...

CHRISTMAS with an almost 4 year old!!!
 Newlyweds enjoying the quiet before...

This is "Excited Face"opening the Pom-Poms she asked for

 AND THIS is "Upset Face" after realizing the Pom-Poms are RED not Blue
(her favorite color of the month) hahaha

It was so much fun seeing Emersen soooooo excited.  We all got a kick out of what presents she played with first.  Never what you would think...For example. She got this Squirrel Game and she was obsessed with the "acorns" aka coconuts.  They quickly became food for Doggy.  

The party started again come evening...

HMMM...I see a resemblance to her Mamita in this picture.
Singing into her new Karaoke machine

Crazy Tia & Emersen

Josh  made a feast fit for Kings

It was AMAZING. AND to make the night even better... I got to watch FROZEN for the first time all while having a home made Sundae! LOVE having a pregnant sis. LOVE having a little niece. HAHA.

The next day was our last full day together (I know quick trip).  But we made the most of it starting with the park.  Five adults and one kid at a park quickly became quite entertaining.

Carl was no where near ready to give up his crown from the night before.
He addressed his kingdom (aka playground)
And Josh was put in charge of pushing Emersen's Baby.
Emersen riding her new "Blue" bike waiving to the neighbor (so not shy)

 AND like TRUE sisters...We couldn't go home until we got COLD STONE. Again LOVE a pregnant sister.
 Emersen was so cute.  She wanted to buy all of our ice creams with a Disney "ride" card Marissa had in her purse.  The look on the workers face at Cold Stone was hysterical when Marissa told the guy "Emersen wanted to pay"

Happy New Year's everyone!