My Happy Place

For as long as I can remember, the beach has always been my happy place.  Maybe it's because my birth city just so happens to be close to the beach in California?  But every single time it I visit, I feel at complete and utter peace and if my heart could smile it would.

Sedona and I decided to make one last trip of the summer and to sunny California for Labor Day weekend.  It couldn't have come at a better time...

And as soon as we arrived to this
We were all smiles.  Every day we were there, it went a little something like this... Wake up at 5:30 AM (I know I am totally weird like that) and take Sedona to the beach.

This was Sedona's reaction to the beach on our first day there.  :) 

After a little time at the beach each morning Sedona would be exhausted and that worked out perfectly for us because we would take her back to the hotel so that she could nap while  I would head back to the beach to relax. 

After a couple of hours of beach time I would head back to the hotel and join Sedona in a nap.
The town we stayed in was a small beach town with super cute shops and restaurants.  The afternoons were spent exploring what the town had to offer and the days ended  listening to the ocean and watching the beautiful sunset. I looked fwd to this every day I was there.

I know this sounds silly, but Sedona will randomly give me hugs if I'm sitting on the floor (she does this by putting her head on my shoulder and that means she wants me to wrap my arms around her).  She did this to me the day I met her and she continues to do so.  To this day it still stops me dead in my tracks when she does it... and I will always whisper in her ear how much I love her. In a strange way I can feel her telling me she loves me right back.  It is the absolute best thing in the world when this happens and it is so very special to me that this moment was caught while we were watching the sunset together one night.

Like all things, our wonderful relaxing weekend had to come to an end. Boo.  I decided to do one of my all time favorites and drive down the coast on our way out of town.  It was a perfect way to end the last trip of the summer.