Valerie and the City

This past weekend, I made my way to Seattle, Washington to celebrate the bachelorette!!!
It was a lot colder than what I have been use to in AZ at the moment but it didn't matter because I was with 3 of my all time favorite women (minus Cassidy) 
We started the lovely weekend off with the Bride-to-Be going to one of her last dress fittings!!! AHHHH! The big day is getting so very close and the dress looked even more amazing than I remembered it and I CANNOT wait to show you pictures buuuuuuut nooooooooot yet. You are going to have to wait just a little bit longer.  We finally made it to the hotel and let me tell you... It beat every expectation I set.  Our room wrapped around a corner of the hotel and there were windows every where! It was such a great view of the city. Marissa got to work decorating the room while I procrastinated as much as possible so that I didn't have to blow up balloons. Me and blowing up balloons aren't really fond of one another. 
Valerie seeing her room for the first time...
My sister is so darn cute I want to squeeze her cheeks some times :)  Friday night we met 2 of her close friends (the other bridesmaids) and some of my sister's co-workers at a fancy place called The Pink Door.

It was so nice meeting all of her friends and seeing how happy my sister was that night it was such a great start to the trip I wasn't sure if the next day could top that night BUT. IT. DID.  Yup people. Saturday was "Spa Day" and The Hyatt Spa was by far one of the best spas I have ever been to and I have tried many. Excuse the "relaxed" faces in this picture...
The champagne toast after our massages was definitely the icing on the cake. As you could imagine between the rain and the massages we were all in heaven.  We spent the rest of the day napping, shopping, running into Captain America and being silly.
 This will be My Mamacita and I in 30 years. hahaha She cracks me up. Never a dull moment.
And just like that the weekend was over and it was time to go home.  I hate saying goodbyes...especially when it comes to my family.  Time is so precious and there never seems to be enough of it when I want it the most. :( 
Thankfully, we have almost reached the month count down and we will ALL be together again with loved ones and family to celebrate Valerie and Carl's special day!!! Can't wait!!!