Sisters; Through Thick & Thin

This past weekend for Labor day, I took a much needed vacation to Livermore, California to see my older sister Marissa,  brother-in-law Josh and my cutie patootie Goddaughter Emersen.

I can't believe how big she is!

My other sister Valerie and her fiance Carl came to visit too, leaving us with 3 out 4 sisters (we missed Cassidy dearly.)

Scary early morning pic of us

There is such a special a bond between sisters. I have realized the older we get the closer we become.  I feel so very blessed to have 3 beautiful, smart and silly sisters in my life that are my very Best Friends and I only have my Mamacita to thank for raising us so well.

Day #1: NAPA!!! 

Napa has been on my bucket list for quite some time and I was fortunate enough to be able to experience all the beauty that Napa has to offer with my very own eyes.  It is so crazy to me how lucky my sister and brother in law are for only being 1.5 hrs away from what I like to call "Wine Heaven." We decided to start the late morning/early afternoon off  with champagne at "Chandon"

I became a little kid when I found out we got to keep the flutes.


I swear, no matter how many snacks I shove in my mouth to prevent feeling tipsy after the FIST STOP it never fails I am always tipsy. Boo. I am a light weight and a wine tasting amateur (lol).

Next stop was Sattui Winery and it was gorgeous.

 They had the cutest store in the tasting area.  I was in love with the shirts...

We ended our Napa adventure with a picnic surrounded by the vineyards.

We had to hurry up and get back to Livermore because next up was Music in the park with this munchkin face.

What a great summer tradition they have created for their family. Every Friday night during the summer there is a band that plays in one of their local parks.  On that night, they just so happened to have a Latin Band! 

Aye Aye Aye

Day #2: Carmel Beach

Goodness, the last time I went to Carmel was when I was a little kid. The beach and town was exactly the way I remembered it (crazy) with the white sanded beach and pretty blue water.  Emersen could not stop talking about building a sand castle it was so cute!
As you can see Josh and Carl were very serious about this project.

It was freezing for this AZ gal

Day #3: BBQ

My older sister and Josh have also started the tradition of having a BBQ for us with some of their friends when we come visit in the summer.  It is always such a nice way to end the trip surrounded by great people, music, laughter and of course food.  I did not take a lot of pics but lucky for my brother-in- law Josh, I was able to record one of the jam sessions we had around the bonfire at the end of the night.

I will end this post with this little gem sung by Mr. Josh himself. Enjoy!