At Last!

FINALLY.  After what seemed like the longest 2years EVER, I was able to reunite with my bestie in Florida!  Meet Caitlin.

She is the absolute best friend a girl could ask for.  We met at St. John's University where she was a swimmer and I was a soccer player.  We would would say hi to one another to and from practice our freshman year but it wasn't until we both moved off campus Sophomore Year and became next door neighbors (and eventually roommates) that we noticed we had way to much in common to deny what is now a fabulous friendship.

One of the many things we have in common, we both love to shop! In NY when we would make our routine weekend trip to Target on Long Island (that alone was a special experience). We always would laugh at how we managed  to walk out the door with way more than we went in for ($100 more).  Today, we still seem to have that problem (walking out of Target and spending over $100),  but now that  we are true adults (HA) we have managed to council one another and have figured out if we don't walk into the clothes section we save a good $50 and that seems to be working at the moment. YAY us!

Then there is food. Yup, we are fat kids at heart.  I am actually embarrassed to share this story of us as it happened often and it will explain exactly what I mean by fat kids.  During college, Cait and I dated two guys that were friends. We would plan BBQ's often so that we could eat and the boys could cook for us.  One time, during one of our BBQ feasts we apparently did not know when to stop eating; ok wait, who am I kidding. We knew exactly when to stop we just did not want to. By the end of the night we were both in separate bathrooms getting sick and the boys were wondering where we were. So gross!  haha

In all seriousness, she is truly a sister to me.  We talk every single day by instant message when we are at work and even phone when we get out. This has gone on literally every day since we graduated college and I hope it never stops.  I find it fascinating that we never run out of things to say to one another, but why would we? Haha. She knows exactly what to say to me when I am fired up (and it is never telling me to calm down which is awesome) and how to console me when I am upset.  One of the things I truly enjoy about our friendship is how we will always give each other advice, different ways to approach or view things and we will always support one another no matter what.  To be honest, I think we make each other better women by doing these things.  Did I mention how wonderful her family is? I just love and think the world of them. Genuine good hearted, warm people and  I know that if I ever needed anything from any one of them they would be there to help me in a second.

Here are some pics from our trip...
This is one of Caitlin's favorites wine bars. It was so so cute!
After attempting the beach with clouds in the sky we met her parents at the Delray Festival.
This was our last night together and it was a blast! Wine, Music, and of course PIZZA to end the night!!!

It was such a pleasure meeting her boyfriend (who is an absolute doll) and all of her sweet friends. I am so glad I was finally able to see her life in Florida and I can't wait to go back!